Tips attach Minimalis House

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You are bored with stiffness minimalist architecture? Well, here are tips and tricks so that your house minimalist look more alive and not boring.

1. Play Furniture.
Choose the furniture outside the black and red or orange. That old style. Ayo, the main color of yellow, beige, brown young, or pastel colors.

2. Munculkan new theme.
Selaraskan your furniture with trinkets. Senada such as carpet or painting colorful bright display even though the abstract pattern.

3. Use curtain.
Minimalist house with plain curtain? Boring! Use the curtain a little weight, also with color senada with interior paint.

4. Take advantage of the wood.
Minimalist feel of wood home dipermanis by the presence of ornaments in the selection of timber frame Kusen, stairs, carpet, or in some parts of the house.

5. Make a garden.
Beautiful minimalist garden denganpohon Cambodia. And added more white stones disekelilingnya.

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Created by: Irfan C. Riyadi,


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